Business Clean Up – Day 8 – Declutter Your Space

Task 8: Declutter your creative space, office, or studio! This means going through props, equipment, business documents. 

After busy season, we all need a few weeks of breathing. I know my office becomes the dumping ground for all things. I like to feel productive and creative in my workspace, and decluttering it all makes me want to be in that space! 

I go through all paperwork and shred what I don’t need to keep. I will go through old props, I don’t keep many anymore and just keep a few simple blankets and baskets for newborn sessions and a few backdrops for commercial work. Lastly, I go though all equipment and the millions of things that come with each item. 

I threw away things I NEVER use. 

People, I think UV blockers are dumb, fight me about it. 

I also threw away 10 camera neck straps, why did I keep them for so long?

Also donated 100+ pens with my old logo on them! Schools can’t have kids sharing tools so I donated them. 

Get rid of stuff and make room for creativity! 


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